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  • Writer's pictureBill Ovrites

Top 10 festivals for 2020

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

Festivals make a drastic change in 2020.

Concerts Prior to 2020. Photo Courtesty of Justin Time

“We are in a new age and it's time the festival industry catches up with the times." - Bobby Speakers

All festivals have been cancelled thanks to the #ChinaVirus. However a new breed of festivals have come to the forefront. They are called "Peaceful Protests", and one is coming to a city near you soon.

It started with the originator, #SummerOfLove tour in #Seattle. "Festivals and the sounds of #gunshots...ahhhh....It's music to a liberals ears", said Jenny Durkin, Mayor of Seattle.

We tried to catch up with the 'leader' of the C.H.O.P. / C.H.A.Z. zone, Raz Simone but he was unable to comment from his jail cell. He passed a written note to our video crew that read, "Mommy, Please help me. I'm scared! - Raz". We were also able to capture a photo of one of his more witty painted phrases. (Photo to the Right)

The Louisville Larson Fest was another 'smash' hit this year. You could hear the fans screaming for another chorus of the song, 'Pigs in a Blanket Fry 'em Like Bacon.' But they did scurry like the little roaches when the Police arrived.

Note: Use of waving the #AmericanFlag, abundant #Police personnel, and some soap and water seem to make the stinky, #DirtyHippy patrons scatter.

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