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Riot Occurs After Philly Cops Shoot Man Un-Provoked, Other Than The Knife He Was Wielding

Writer's picture:

#Rioting, #looting and other acceptable #Democratic tactics took place in Philadelphia, PA last night after the Philly #Police shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr with no provocation, other than the fact he was charging at them with a knife. Local TV propaganda station #NBC10 posted a video on the You Tubes if you care to view it. The #ACLU, #BLM and Rev. Al #Sharpton were all on the scene before Walter Wallace, the man innocently armed with only a large knife, arrived.

Rev. Al Sharpton was on the scene before police arrived

"Dis hear young man was jus mindin' his own bidniz when da PoPo cumz in wif guns a blazin", said Rev Sharpton. When we asked him if he saw the the police body cam video that shows Wallace charging at police with the knife, Sharpton responded with, "Dat is fake news and disinformation. That video was made up by da police".

Follow up questions were asked about how could police fake a video that quickly, when Sharpton began to shout, "You is a white #racist devil man." I informed him that I identify as a middle aged woman and he quickly replied in a soft and sincere tone of voice, "I apologize. I didn't know. I am sorry for my accusation." Several police spoke up and also said they identified as female, two police detectives (Neiletta and Bobra) identified as Trans, and one officer, Mike Summers, identified as a Trans-Zhe K-9.

Trans-Zhe K-9 Officer: Mike Summers In shock as Sharpton calls her "Bitch"

Shartpon turned to the last officer mentioned and shouted "You lil' bitch", as he pulled out a katana sword. He continued, "BLM and ACLU, hurry, gits behinds me. I'z protex you. Dis here is a set up. They are neutrilizin' our Black-Power wif dare Black-Trans-Power. Day gots more identity genders den us does. Day gone defeets us." Sharpton suddenly threw his fist down and a puff of smoke appeared. It was a smoke screen and BLM, ACLU and Sharpton all got away.

Police are still on the look out for Sharpton but he has retreated to his underground lair in the sewers. Later, the riots occurred in Philthadelphia. While Honest Times can not confirm that Sharpton, the ACLU, BLM and their financial supporter who's name rhymes with Seorge Goros , we...what the hell. Let's just blame it on the four of them.

Later we caught up with Officer Summers' union HR representative, Bull Shidder. Representative Shidder informed that Officer Summers was so hurt by Sharpton's horrible "B-word", that the officer will be taking a full tax payer paid, leave of absence for the next 36 months in the Bahamas. Officer Summers will connect with a K-9 Trans behavior specialist to help Zhe get over the horrific act of violence that Sharpton committed to the Trans-Zhe K-9 Officer.

Click here to see what actor, comedian, and philanthropist, Chris Rock had to say!

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