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Elon Musk Makes Newest Bid to Purchase...

Elon Musk is all the rage since his recent purchase of Twitter last week for the price of $54.20 per share. The deal is worth an estimated $44 Billion, that's $44,000,000,000. But that is not the 1/2 of it.

In a stunning turn of events musk has recently Tweeted that he is considering purchasing other broken institutions like hospitals, banks and even restaruant chains. But his newest acquision bid is simply insane.

After confirming with the multiple reliable sources, Mr Musk has put in a bid to purchase the broken State of New Jersey for $120.00. Yes that is One Hundred Twenty Dollars. His Royal Highness King Phillip the Unaccountable has accepted the bid.

We spoke with Emperor Murphy in an interview recently where the Honest Times asked him why he accepted the bid. To which his Royalness stated, "No one has ever been knuckleheaded enought to try and buy New Jersey. So I thought, 'Why the hellnot? I mean a $120 bucks is $120 bucks".

We caught up with Musk to ask the big question, "Why would you buy New Jersey?" To which he replied, "Who cares about New Jersey? NO ONE! As a bonus, it will really piss off all the Liberals."

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