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  • Writer's picturePurdy Mauth

Kamala Teams Up with Shyamalan before VP Debate

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

What? Where? When? And Who Am I? A Biden Reflection

M Knight Shyamalan directing the new Biden TV Add.

Just when you think this year couldn’t get any more strange, 2020 it strikes again. #JoeBiden has teamed up With #MKnight#Shyamalan to produce a new short documentary titled, “What? Where? When? And Who Am I? A Biden Reflection”.

"What am I doing on this stage? Oh yeah, I gotta poop!" - Biden

We got an interview with Shyamalan, but unfortunately we couldn’t get a translator who speaks 'SMUG'. So we figured we will just catch up with #KamalaHarris, as we know she isn’t doing any thing better.

”#Senator Harris, thanks for taking the time to speak with us at the #HonestTimes.”

”Time? Haha...time”, Harris nodded as she lightly chuckled. “Time won’t give me time, but time makes lovers feel like WE, have something real. We got nothing but time“, said Harris with a boat load of confidence.

Mauth - ”Ahhhh OK. Well, that was a bit odd. You start our interview by quoting #BoyGeorge from #CultureClub.”

Harris - “What do you mean?”

Mauth - “You just quoted Boy George”.

Harris - “No. No I didn’t.”

Mauth - “Yes you....nevermind. So, can you tell us about the new Biden/Shyamalan collaboration.”

Harris - ”Ebony & Ivory, live together, in perfect, harmony.” Harris nods again with a huge grinning smile.

Mauth - “Ah, Senator, you just did it again.”

Harris - “What do you think I did?”

Mauth - “You just quoted ‘Ebony & Ivory’.

Harris - “Nope.”

Mauth - “Can you you at least tell us about the add for TV?”

Harris - “ We got to move these refrigerators, We got to move these color TVs”, with a stern look on her face she slammed her hand down on the desk.

Mauth - “Senator Harris, can you only respond to my questions with song lyrics?”

Harris - “Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lil’ Jon!”

That was the moment we realized this interview wasn’t going anywhere. I reached out to the P.R. For the Biden campaign, Dufas Giggles, who gave us a direct quote from Biden. ”What? Where am I? You shouldn vote Joe Harris and Kamala Biden for School Board of #Scranton. Mom, is that you? Why is my diaper wet?”

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