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Biden Gives Best Town Hall Yet on ABC’s 20/20

Biden gathers his thoughts, all 2 of them.

Today, George Snufalupagus, hosted a town hall with Joe Biden in Los Angeles, CA on ABC’s 20/20. George asked Biden what had to be THEE hardest hitting question to date in his race for President. “So Mr. Vice President....what would you like to say?”

Biden - “Well, I see by my sun dial that it’s past my nap time but I will say this....[ (mumbling) Can you raise up the teleprompter for me? Yeah, right there. Wait, it’s a little burry. Ah, I’ll just wing it.] The fact of the matter is I’m proud to be running for School Superintendant here in the great state of New Georgia.” Snufalupagus tried to interject but Biden just waved him off like a fly on Mike Pence‘s head.

“I‘m in perfect physical condition. I can do push-ups...well...I use to be able to do push ups. My wife Nancy get’s all hot and moist when she sees me doing those push ups. I wish I could get it up. (There was a long pause, as Biden looked wistfully into the sunset.) Anyway, I’m up in the polls, but not as up as the Ukranian hookers on the my son Hunter’s pole. I’m so proud of my child. I’ve never seen someone take down a line of cocaine like my boy, Hunter. Now that is real talent. Speaking of boys, my son has a baby with some porn star but I think he had her killed. Hey, Hunter, (Joe Biden Yelled) did you pay me back for the hit man Hillary suggested?

Kids.... Kids...(Biden looks around and confused)...Yeah, KIDS! Poor kids who are just as talented as white kids. And the kids here don't want the homies on the street.

“You mean the homeless, Joe”, said George Snufalupagus.

Look Jack, I’m not homeless. Corn-Pop was homeless. He was a bad dude, who ran a bunch of bad boys. They would rub my legs down, and they smelled real good like coco-butter, just like that nice chocolate man, Mike O’Bama. You ain’t chocolate if you don’t vote for me for Freeholder on Super Bowl Sunday, this spring. Remember, it’s not what your country can do for your neighbor, it’s that other thing. Come on man! Go, you know, you know the thing.

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