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AOC - "Spanish People are Transphobic"!

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

Photo of AOC as she rants on about more dreck.

The #HonestTimes was invited to a Town hall in #Brooklyn, NY with guest speaker Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. The event was meant to support the #transgender community and the trials and tribulations they go through.

During the course of her speech #AOC said, “Gendered language is a hateful, bigoted, #transphobic act of violence.” All eight of the transgendered people in the audience cheered loudly. However, that could have been a mistake. At the exact same time as AOC finished her sentence, RuPaul on the other side of the courtyard announced his/her/zhee/zer was running for president in 2024.

“This has to stop”, continued AOC. “The rights of the trans community need to be heard and heard loud and clear.“ She slammed her hand down by her side in a childish like manner as there was no podium in front of her to slam her hand upon. “Any language where gender is implied in the words is a direct act of violence against the trans community.“

After her speech, AOC fielded questions from the honest times, and CNN. Those are the only two publications who showed up to her announcement. CNN opinionist, #JimAcosta asked her, “What’s it like to be a true champion of social justice, a hero among hero’s, and liberator of the people", as he smiled in admiration for the Congress person.

She replied with, “Wow that’s a really tough question. I’m not sure how to answer that. Can I have three or four days so I can contemplate how awesome I truly am and then get back to you?” She said with a smile and then gave her patent little girl giggle.

She then looked over towards me and said, “Dick Fitzwel... get in here. What's your question?”

“You said earlier that any Gendered language is bad. Correct?”

AOC - “Not only is it bad is should be banned and so should the people who use it!”

DF - “So, just to be clear, any language that...”

AOC - “Dick, are you 'hard' of hearing”, as she stamped her foot, “Yes, ban the language and ban the people who use it, Duh”!

DF - “OK, do you know that Spanish is naturally gendered? An example would be the word ‘Latino’, which indicates a #Spanish male, and ‘Latina’ indicating Spanish female. There is no similar word for the Spanish Trans community.”

Her jaw dropped. She had no clue what to say. Then she got a smirk and said, “LatinX is the word for the Trans community.”

DF - “OK, what about for Amigo, male friend, and Amiga, female friend. There are many words that do this in the Spanish Language”. At that moment you could see the 3 brain cells in her head attempted to seek an answer.

AOC - “Ahhh, Spanish language is racist and needs to be abolished. Yes! I hate abusive language and we must remove the hate from speech.” Then the 6 remaining men in wigs & dresses applauded feverishly for AOC.

Photo of the Transgends attending AOC's event

DF - “Uh, Ms. Cortez, aren’t you of Latin descent”?

AOC - “Why, yes....wait...what? I....ah....hmmm”. You could see that she needed to do it just to be consistent with her vantage point. She continued with, “I officially denounce my racist, transphobic, misogynistic, hate filled culture. The rights of these 6 transgenders is more important than an entire culture of millions. God, I love it when I get all self-righteous.”

DF - "Let me be clear. You are saying that you are willing to condemn millions of Spanish/Latin people, just to please a handful of people in the Trans community estimated at less than 0.05% of the population?"

AOC - Yes, we must round them up and put them into camps and force them to watch 'Drag Race' 24/7 until they change their ways.

DF - "You included"?

AOC - "Well...Ummm... Tee Hee Hee, I'm not like, a word smith or anything like that", she said in a little girl voice as she put her head on her own shoulder. "Drinks are on me! I'm was a bartender ya know. Whoohoo"!

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